Pool Night...
We lost 6-9 to Skip's... but what the hell, it was fun.

ilokano in the haight sparring with soliloquy.
... using eminent domain.
Wal*Mart-> Bad for America -------- Hooray Hercules!!!
Looks like a slow day at work, I figured I'll do something productive and clean my email.
Yesterday was bike to work day. I should have, but I woke up too late. I got to work and I couldn't find parking. I guess no one knew.
Iggy’s been enjoying the lucky-weather-streak we’ve been having. Today he seems to ask me if he can stay out longer or if he can have a pool in the backyard, even those mini-kid ones that you fill with a garden hose. He’s sleeping right now and I wonder what he’s dreaming about. Maybe that pool… or the cat… or that bone that he won’t give up.
picture by sdmphotography.... i heart sf
It was a warm San Francisco evening. The sky turned majestic orange as the sun set. As it often does now, maybe there is something with the warm air that that torches the early evening sky or maybe something with my hyperactive imagination. My rose colored glasses foresaw a festive result to last night’s pool match. How bad could it be, I thought. We beat this team 12-3 the last time we played and this time we’re playing on our turf.
We started off one player short. I begged and bribed Christine to show up. Two beers was the bribe, Amstel Light… ordering them made me cringe.
I was talking to someone before the matches about how our team controlled its own destiny. I hear this in SportsCenter a lot in reference to a team that necessitates winning the rest of its games. My thought was when we win all our remaining three games we’ll be in first place. But I was told by beer buddy that fate had been pre-determined and we’ll just have to play it out.
But I don’t buy that crap. You see, I’m an Epicurean. To believe in fate would be to the worst kind of slavery. Hogwash, I say. I believe in working hard and with a bit of good luck should make for positive results. I gave him a jovial toast, “to fate”… with a wink.
I walked away to watch my teammates play as I reached into my pocket to rub my good-luck coin. We won, again by 12-3, as fate would have it.
WTF!!!!! David Blaine: Drowned Alive
I was having the grandest time at my old roommate Izu’s birthday party when an inner voice told me that perhaps it was time to go home. Home was a mere two blocks away but it may very well be in Alcatraz if Brandi and I decided to stick a little longer.
iggy contemplating his future
I don’t like Thursdays much. It is such a difficult and challenging day because Wednesday evenings are pool night. On a side note, I have to say that these ass-cracks need to go out of fashion. I mean, some are nice, some are foul, but lately there’s more foul than nice. I guess that’s what happens to fashion. Fashionistas experiments then the sheeples follow. Looks good on the fashionistas, but lame on the sheeples. Ahh.. those asses crack a thousand ways I suppose… but they never crack a smile. I suppose I can stop hanging out at places where ass-cracks are abundant. But what do I on pool nights???
I had this gigantic torta sandwich today. A torta is a Mexican rendition of a hoagie. A hoagie, of course, is a giant sandwich. But this one is HUGE! It's burrito huge, it's like it-can-feed-three-people huge. I had the Milanesa, which is the breaded steak. I ordered it without tomatoes because I don't like tomatoes and without jalepenos. The last time I had a sandwich with jalopenos I sweated like I ran a marathon. I phoned in my order at Gallardo's next door, went to pick it up and I got there just in time to watch the cook put my torta together. I was thinking, maybe they need more bread for this thing. I mean, they stacked this torta with heaps of Milanesa. Then I thought, maybe after they use more bread for this torta they need to find more people to eat it.
I need to learn the Spanish version of the American Anthem. Yesterday was "A Day Without Immigrants" day. Somehow I missed myself. Now I know what its like to have a day without me!